Las conferencias estarán dictadas por el Dr. Christian Puren, el Prof. Neil Bissoondath y la Dra. Joy Janzen.
Están destinadas a docentes de todas las Lenguas y todos los niveles educativos de Gestión estatal y privada.
La actividad es gratuita con inscripción previa (cupo limitado).
Viernes 19 de mayo de 2017
Lugar: Perú 160 - Legislatura de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Salón San Martín).
Conferencistas: Dr. Christian Puren y Prof. Neil Bissoondath
Organiza: Gerencia Operativa de Lenguas de la Educación
9.15 - 9.30: Acreditación e ingreso
9.30 - 11.00: Conferencia 1: «El enfoque pluricultural e intercultural puestos en perspectiva desde un modelo complejo de la competencia cultural». Dr. Christian Puren. Con la colaboración de la Embajada de Francia.
Se dicta en idioma español.
Resumen. En la evolución de la didáctica de las lenguas-culturas en Europa desde hace un siglo y medio hasta el momento, se nota una sucesión de componentes privilegiados de la competencia cultural, desde el componente transcultural –orientado a los valores universales de la llamada “educación humanística” y el componente metacultural –orientado a los conocimientos sobre las culturas extranjeras– hasta el componente co-cultural específicamente movilizado en la formación de un actor social responsable y solidario, finalidad que el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia ha fijado al aprendizaje de las lenguas extranjeras a partir de los años 2000. El enfoque intercultural y el enfoque pluricultural corresponden a dos componentes más: como tales, tienen su validez y pertinencia propias que se analizarán desde esa perspectiva de un modelo complejo de la competencia cultural (ver bibliografía).
11.00 - 11:30: Pausa / Café
11:30 - 13:00: Conferencia 2: «Write what you know». Prof. Neil Bissoondath.
Se dicta en idioma inglés.
Resumen. Write what you know is the most useless, hackneyed advice any writer of fiction can receive. In this talk, I describe my writing process, how my fiction comes about, how I go in search of inspiration, and what I avoid doing. Based on both my experience as a novelist/essayist/short-story writer and as a professor of creative writing, I explore how some of my books have come about, and what in my opinion makes for a successful novel.
Martes 23 de mayo de 2017
Lugar: Museo de la Lengua, Av. Las Heras 2555, CABA.
Conferencista: Dra. Joy Janzen
Co-organizan: Gerencia Operativa de Lenguas de la Educación (GOLE) y DGSup, con el auspicio de la Embajada de EEUU.
9.00 - 9.15 Acreditación e ingreso
9.15 - 9.45 Apertura
9.45 - 11.45 Conferencia 1: «English as an International Language» (interactive lecture/discussion).
Se dicta en idioma inglés.
Resumen. Traditional views of language learning have privileged native speakers and identified the varieties of language they speak as the target for all learners of English. In the past twenty-five years, increasing attention has been paid to a different perspective on language learning and teaching: English as an International Language. The majority of users and learners of English are not native speakers, most do not live in countries where native speakers predominate and many of these speakers will use English to communicate with other non-natives like themselves. These realities can (and should) affect what language target is chosen, what materials are used, and how the language is taught.
14.30 - 14.45 Acreditación e ingreso
14.45 - 15.15 Apertura
15.15 - 17.15 Conferencia 2: «Academic Literacy and Second Language Reading» (lecture/discussion).
Se dicta en idioma inglés.
Resumen. The kinds of texts second language learners read in school can present significant problems for comprehension. Academic texts often use language that differs from conversation in terms of vocabulary and grammatical structures. This lecture will discuss some of the features of academic text, as well as the cognitive skills readers need to comprehend academic language. The final section of the talk will address teaching implications, that is, how teachers can develop student reading comprehension and academic literacy skills.
Dr. Christian Puren es Profesor Emérito de la Universidad Jean Monnet de Saint-Étienne (Francia), Presidente de Honor de la Association française des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes (APLV) y del Groupe d’Étude et de Recherche sur l’Espagnol de Spécialité (GERES), y miembro de los Comités de lectura de varias revistas francesas y extranjeras en el área de su especialidad, la didáctica de las lenguas-culturas. Fue profesor y formador en francés y en español como Lenguas extranjeras en varias Universidades en Francia y en el extranjero.
Born in Trinidad in 1955, Neil Bissoondath has lived in Canada since 1973. After sixteen years in Toronto and seven in Montreal, he has chosen to make his home in Quebec City. He is the author of six novels including A Casual Brutality, The Innocence of Age, The Worlds Within Her, Doing the Heart Good, The Unyielding Clamour of the Night, The Soul of All Great Designs), two short-story collections and a book-length essay on multiculturalism (Selling Illusions: The Cult of Multiculturalism in Canada) and has worked in television as host/interviewer on Markings: An Anthology of Ideas and as host of a documentary series examining issues of justice and development around the world, both for Vision TV. He has also been writer-in-residence at the University of Ottawa, Concordia University and the University of Toronto Summer Writing Program. He is a tenured professor of creative writing at l'Université Laval, Québec, Canada.
Dr. Joy Janzen has a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from Northern Arizona University and a Master of Arts degree in Teaching of English as a Second Language from Monterey Institute of International Studies. Her primary area of expertise in applied linguistics is first and second language literacy including the nature of academic and disciplinary literacy and the reading and writing learning processes. Dr. Janzen has a special focus on methods of teaching English to speakers of other languages.